Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Interaksi Pak Lubis dan Dato' Shamsudin Nawawi berkaitan kes Speaker DUN Perak

Dato' Shamsuddin Nawawi (DSN). Political Secretary since 1999 i.e when Tun M was still Prime Minister. Been in legal practice since 1982.

Dari saya (Pak Lubis)

Thank You DSN.

During my study in ITM and now UiTM from a diploma level to a Degree (not as a law student) but as an accounting student was informed that the Federal Constitution is above all other Act in the Malaysia (correct me if I am wrong).

For the Federal Court which is the highest court in the country to ignore what is mentioned in the Federal Constitution is something that a layman like me is puzzled about. Further, no appeal can be made at another higher court because there is no court higher than Federal Court.

Anyway lets us hope that when the Ground of Judgement is release will clear people understanding of the case.

Balas Dato Shamsudin Nawawi

Pak Lubis,

I dont blame you for understanding the law in that way. It is true that the Consitution is the highest law of the land BUT law must be applied with the facts of the case as I had explained earlier.

Whilst the Federal Ct is the highest Ct in Malaysia, its decision can be reviewed by its FULL Quorum i.e with a panel of 7 judges if the present decision is found to be manifestly or fundamentally wrong.

I dont think the present Fed. Ct is wrong in the decision of the Perak case.

Memang lah kita akan merasa marah kalau keputusan tidak memihak kepada kita. Kita hanya akan berpuas hati kalau kita yang dapat atau menang. Bagi lawyer kalah menang kes adalah perkara biasa...tidak perlu marah2.

Dari saya (Pak Lubis)

Dato Sham.

Quoting your statement " I dont think the present Fed. Ct is wrong in the decision of the Perak case."

There you are Dato'.. You "think".. You said it. It is only your thinking. To me what is right may not be what you think or what you think is right may not be right.

Quoting you "Memang lah kita akan merasa marah kalau keputusan tidak memihak kepada kita."

Saya tidak pernah merasa marah tetapi hanya sedikit puzzled kenapa Perlembagaan Malaysia diketepikan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan.

Saya boleh menerima kalau ia mempunyai asas sperti.. mungkin speaker bertindak di luar persidangan dewan ...


  1. cayalah pak lubis, smoga neliau memberi respon sewajarnya.

    la ni org mo sesuatu isu disertakan bukti, fakta dan hujah yg berkesan. Bak kita bila bercakap ttg Islam, setiap kata mesti ada dalil, nas atau hadis dan semestinya ayat Al-Quran.

    Undang2 manusia leh diubah2 dan diertikan mengikut persepsi sendiri, namun hukum Allah tidak akan berubah 4ever.

  2. Kita hanya cuba menegakkan apa yang kita fahamkan tentang Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Tetapi kalau mahkamah ada tafsiran yang berlainan kita tidak dapat menidakkannya.
